Chapter 5, Week 4

We passed week 4 with the loss of a second bird. I failed to mention losing a chick during week 2 to an unknown cause. This week we had to euthanize a bird that developed leg problems and couldn't walk. These losses happen and though I have tried many times to nurse these types of birds thru this problem, they never have gotten better or survived to grow any further and the condition must be painful. So we did not let this one suffer.
As you can see we have moved on a step further in bringing in the larger wooden troughs. This gives me a place to feed many birds fast and keep them busy while I fill the other feeders. These guys are chilling in the nice shade provided by the tall weeds.
As you can see we have moved on a step further in bringing in the larger wooden troughs. This gives me a place to feed many birds fast and keep them busy while I fill the other feeders. These guys are chilling in the nice shade provided by the tall weeds.

The wooden trough is homemade and provides a large feeding space while still discouraging them from standing in it. The center rod can roll so they lose their balance, keeping them out of the feed.

During the heat of the day they enjoy the shade and cool water inside their shed. The flaps that open out give even more shade.